A media driver your computer needs is missing
A media driver your computer needs is missing

a media driver your computer needs is missing

Select Yes to confirm that you’re sure about deleting the NvCplDesktopContext key.Click the NvCplDesktopContext subkey with the right mouse button and select Delete.Input this key location in the registry address bar and press Return: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\background\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers.Open Registry Editor by pressing the Win + R keyboard shortcut, typing regedit in the Run dialog, and clicking OK.To apply this fix, edit the Registry as follows: As this solution involves deleting a key, we recommend you learn how to back up the Windows Registry before proceeding. This Windows Registry tweak creates a new context menu option for opening the NVIDIA Control Panel.

A media driver your computer needs is missing